- Yvette CisnerosSusan was amazing!! She is so delightful to work with, she sold our house and exceeded our expectations.
- Does ItmatterSusan was absolutely amazing. I was in a rough tight spot and she helped in situations most real estates probably wouldn't. I lost my job and everything. She saved me in a situation where I was about to go through foreclosure. I was able to sell instead coming out a little ahead.
- Jenna ForrestSusan Flores is highly recommended. Her patience, communication skills, and love for her clients make her someone you could truly rely on. Her willingness to go above and beyond make any experience run smoothly
- surlsc074Susan was very good and helpful. When we were stuck at a wal-mart parking area with all our worldly goods, she brokered a deal to rent the house til closing.
- eileen karol1To comment on Susan Flores,this woman was a absolute pleasure to work with. She had been extremely attentive to our needs. All our phone calls to her were picked up or returned promptly and had answered all our questions and concerns in great detail, she did an outstanding job for us and we couldn’t have been happier with the service we received. As for being an agent she couldn’t have done a better job. As well as being a great agent she is a absolute sweetheart I highly recommend her you will not be disappointed.
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